Die VIP Tourist Profis

Unser Gründer und Reisführer Luc
We Regina and Ludwig are part of the unique tourist VIP Tours in few cities in the region of Bavaria, Switzerland, and Austria.
Why we? because we can.
With passion and the exclusive reserved time for your activities, we will not be comparable with the mass touristic guides available. No, we are respecting our clients in 100% in their need and wishes.
That is why we are here for your days trip to service you the journey and guide of your speed and desire of need. Without rush, without stress, take your time and learn from our experience.
To make it simple: we experienced that our friends.
Together we collect more than 45 years of industrial experiences working with worldwide leading companies around the globe and travelled around the world and have seen many great places on earth. Collecting that experience the ´AIRPURTRIPS´ people are convinced to be and to offer the unique special insights of the cities provided here to offer you a safe and reliable and cultural insight not only about the building and obvious tourist places. No not at all. We will allow you to ask every question which belongs to fulfill your journey of happiness in sports, wellness, cultural and educational requirements as well the industrial experience which we as a team will provide our VIP guests specially, here.