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Mit Ihrem Reiseführer Luc

Bern trip

Bern trip

Regular price €3.900,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €3.900,00 EUR
Sale Sold out
Tax included.

Beim Preis handelt es sich um eine Tagespauschale, die bis zu 7 Personen beinhaltet und bis zu circa 8 Stunden dauert inklusive Reisezeiten. Aller Preise sind Tour-Pauschaulen. Nicht eingeschlossen sind Eintrittspreise, Restaurantkosten und Trinkgelder.  Die Buchung von Sehenswürdigkeiten muss vorab erfolgen auf Anfrage und kann nach der Buchung nicht mehr storniert werden. Tickets sind übertragbar. 

Suchen Sie sich die Standard Tour aus. Oder lassen Sie sich nach Ihren persönlichen Wünschen beraten und wir setzen es um für Sie. 

VIP Touren enthalten: Besonders erfahrene Experten aus der Region mit gutem, internationalem Industrie-Netzwerk, lokaler Erfahrung, gutem Verständnis über Kultur, Menschen und Kenntnis der regionalen, industriellen und kulturellen Besonderheiten.

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A journey through the history of Switzerland

Welcome to a fascinating cultural journey to Bern, the enchanting capital of Switzerland. Bern, with its medieval old town, rich cultural heritage and relaxed atmosphere, is a jewel waiting for you to discover it.

Day 1: Old Town and Zytglogge Your journey of discovery begins in the enchanting old town of Bern, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Stroll through the cobbled streets and marvel at the beautiful sandstone facades of the historic buildings. An absolute highlight is the Zytglogge, a medieval clock tower with moving figures that has been telling the time in the city for centuries.

Day 2: Federal Palace and Art Museum On the second day you can visit the impressive Federal Palace, the seat of the Swiss federal government. Here you have the opportunity to take an informative tour of the premises and learn more about the political history of Switzerland.

Afterwards, it is recommended to visit the Kunstmuseum Bern, which houses an extensive collection of Swiss and international art, including works by Paul Klee and Ferdinand Hodler.

Day 3: Rose Garden and Bear Park On the third day you can visit the Rose Garden, a beautiful park with more than 200 different varieties of roses. From here you have a breathtaking view of the old town and the Bernese Alps.

Also visit the Bear Park, a unique outdoor enclosure in the middle of the city where you can observe the bears in a natural environment.

Day 4: Historical Museum and Einstein House On the fourth day, we recommend a visit to the Historical Museum of Bern, which impressively presents the history of the city and the region.

Another highlight is the Einstein House, where the famous physicist Albert Einstein lived from 1903 to 1905 and developed some of his groundbreaking theories.

Day 5: Farewell to Bern Your cultural tour is coming to an end, but before you leave Bern, use the last day to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of the city. Discover other charming corners of the old town, try Swiss specialties in the cozy restaurants and experience the unique way of life of the Bernese.

A cultural trip to Bern promises a fascinating journey through the history of Switzerland. Immerse yourself in the rich culture and history of this enchanting city and be enchanted by its beauty and charm.

  • Das Leben genießen
  • Traumhaft essen
  • Natur erleben
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